Recommendations for Service
At Tuesday’s meeting of the Nominations Committee, there was a significant lack of Recommendations for Service (RFS) forms submitted, to enable the Committee to nominate individuals for vacancies needing to be filled at the June, 2011 meeting of General Synod.
Please submit names and information about individuals you feel would qualify on RFS forms for consideration for the following vacancies:
Christian Ed. Ministries: 2015-one vacancy
Board of Stewardship: 2016-one vacancy
2017-one vacancy
World Witness: 2017-two vacancies
Ecclesiastical Commission:2013-one vacancy(Ruling Elder)
2015-two vacancies(one Ruling Elder, one Teaching Elder)
Inter-Church Relations: 2014-one vacancy
2017-one vacancy
Lay Ministry: 2013-one vacancy(woman)
2015-three vacancies(two women and one layperson)
Theological&Social Concerns: 2015-one vacancy
Worship: 2015-two vacancies
The due date is March 21, 2011 for submission of the Recommendations for Service forms to Cindy Scott at the ARP Center, 1 Cleveland St, Greenville SC 29601 or
Rev. GJ Gerard, chairman
Nominations Committee of General Synod, ARPC