Granted honorable retirement to Sinclair B. Ferguson effective July 31, 2013, and presented him a Certificate of Appreciation. Granted honorable retirement to J. Allen Derrick effective October 31, 2013, and pre- sented him a Certificate of Appreciation. Received Mark I. McDowell and Dariusz M. Brycko as Students of Theology effective June 11, 2013. Both men are members of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC. Approved James Klukow as interim supply of the Blacksburg (SC) Church.

Removed Soren L. Kornegay from the rolls as a Student of Theology.

Heard the Middler sermon of Justin D. Brickey.

• Heard a report from the Old Brick Church Commission that a special service will be held at the Old Brick Church on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013, at 3 p.m. Dr. Barry Dagen- hart, moderator-elect of Presbytery, will preside at the service. Dr. Mark E. Ross will give the historical context for the ser- vice. Rev. James W. McManus, pastor of the Bethel Church, will deliver the sermon.

• Acting on authority given by the Presbytery, the Commission on the Minister and His Work received Dr. William J. Larkin, effective June 11, 2013, from Palmetto Presbytery, PCA, and approved his call to become Visiting Professor of New Testa- ment and Missions at Erskine Theological Seminary effective July 1, 2013.

• Approved a liability insurance policy for the Presbytery with Church Mutual Insur- ance Company effective June 15, 2013.

• Introduced J. Barry Dagenhart, pastor of the First Rock Hill (SC) Church, as the new moderator effective July 1, 2013.

• Introduced Daniel K. Felker, elder from the Centennial Church, as the new vice mod- erator/moderator-elect. Felker will become moderator on July 1, 2014.

• Expressed appreciation for the faithful and dedicated service of retiring modera- tor, Michael S. Evans, elder from Arsenal Hill Church.

Guy H. Smith Stated Clerk/Administrator