Erskine: Commencement 2012

Erskine: Commencement 2012

DUE WEST, SC — Members of the Erskine College Class of 2012 were recognized May 12 at the school’s 167th commencement under the towers of the Erskine Building. (photo 1 of college grads) Commencement speaker Peter Keith Greer, president and CEO of HOPE International,...

National Missionaries

By Frank Van Dalen: Executive Director of World Witness North American missionaries are expensive. Although the salaries of married World Witness missionaries are around $35,000 per year (a very reasonable expense), other costs (insurance, retirement, schooling,...
Guerard Descendants Visit Bonclarken

Guerard Descendants Visit Bonclarken

We enjoy hosting numerous fam- ily reunions each year, with most having ties to Bonclarken through their family’s ARP connections. However, we recently hosted a reunion for a family that had even deeper ties to this wonderful place. Arthur and Madelaine Guerard were...

Why Women’s Ministries?

The following is from a devotional offered at the ARPWM Executive Committee Meeting in August 2011, presented by Tracey Smith. Tracey is a member of First Gastonia ARP Church and treasurer of ARP Women’s Ministries. By Tracey Smith “Why women’s ministries?” Are...

Promised Blessings

By Elizabeth Burns, ARP Women’s Ministries Coordinator I lways marvel over the opening and closing words in the letters of Paul and John and Peter in Scripture. Grace and peace is extended in the openings of at least 17 letters, with mercy and love added to a...