Met in the beautiful new facility of Christ Church (Denver, NC).

• Mr. Adam Bloom, retiring vice-moderator and elder from Christ Church, welcomed the court. The church members provided wonderful hospitality for the delegates.

• Retiring moderator Rev. Bill Marsh led the opening service of worship including the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. An offering was taken for the Presbytery benevolence fund followed by a time of prayer for needs in the Presbytery.

• The moderator-elect, Mr. Anthony Navarro (Huntersville ARP), and vice-moderator elect Rev. Nick Napier (Boyce Memorial), led the new business.

• A matter of concern from the Coddle Creek church was referred to a Moderator’s Committee.

• Another matter in regard to the Lakeside church was referred to a Judicial Commission to be appointed by the Moderator. A request from the Chalmers Memorial church to change its name to Starmount ARP Church was approved.

• A motion to increase the per member assessment for the Presbytery by $0.50 was approved for 2016.

• Memorials for recently deceased members of the Presbytery, Revs. Lionel Morgan, John Hill, and Bob Murdock, were approved and will be sent on to the General Synod.

• Prior to lunch, the court heard brief reports from Dr. Chris Wisdom of Erskine Theological Seminary, Mr. Alex Pettett of World Witness, and Rev. Jamie Hunt, Moderator of the General Synod.

• After lunch, student Zack Keuthan (RTSCharlotte) delivered his senior sermon. Standing committee reports were then presented.

• Candidates & Examinations presented Rev. Andrew Shoger to be examined for transfer from Florida Presbytery to receive a call from the Coddle Creek church. Two new students, Chad McKinnon & Keith Rose (both at RTS-Charlotte) were taken under care.

• Church Extension recommended an additional year of funding for the City Church in Asheville. The court heard from the mission developer, Rev. Duff James, about encouraging progress at the mission. The motion was approved.

• Minister & His Work reported the dissolution of the pastoral relationship of Rev. Bill Marsh from Christ Covenant Church in Greensboro. The ordination service of Mr. John Lehner, missionary candidate to Spain, was also reported. A motion from the floor to increase the mileage reimbursement rate for committee members was referred to the Stewardship Committee.

• Theological & Social Concerns did not yet have a report on the issue of subscription to the Confession.

• In the World Witness Committee report, funding was approved for a limited number of students to attend the Urbana Missions Conference this December.

• The court adjourned at about 4 PM after singing the Psalm of Christian Unity. The next meeting of First Presbytery will be on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, at the New Sterling Church.