Editor’s note: By reading the ARP Magazine classified ads, Rev. Kent Moorlach found that Richland ARP Church in Tennessee, was searching for a pastor. Since his Communion Prebyterian Church in Irvine California, was closing its doors, he felt led by God to answer the call.

Screen shot 2013-05-14 at 4.53.00 PMTo the saints at Richland Presbyterian Church (ARP),
We would like to express our humble gratitude to you for reaching out – all the way to California – to call our family to unite with you in ministry in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Recalling our visit with you, we were encouraged to witness your graciousness, love, and devotion to the Kingdom of God.

Your Session and Pulpit Committee impressed us with their maturity in faith, their devotion of time and talent to the church, and most importantly their commitment to rely on the Holy Spirit in all their efforts. Throughout this process, they have expressed their confidence and dependence upon God’s leading and timing in calling a minister who would shepherd the flock at Richland.

Our meetings with representative members of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery also confirmed our impressions about the sincerity of the Richland congregation in desiring to advance His Kingdom.

In dependence upon our sovereign Lord’s leading, I am writing to express my sincere desire to accept and faithfully discharge the call to ministry as the teaching elder of Richland Presbyterian Church. I recognize that this call is indeed a holy trust established by the means in which Jesus Christ rules His Church. Therefore, it brings me great joy and satisfaction to know I will be able to serve our blessed Savior as I serve with and among you.

Being well satisfied with the terms of the call, it is our family’s intent to move and settle in the Millington area as soon as the Lord will allow. We ask for your earnest prayers: that the Lord will accompany our plans with His favor so we may begin to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and devote ourselves to His commission of making disciples of all nations.

It is our immediate plan to visit Richland the first week of March, as I will be seeking to transfer my credentials from the Northeast Presbytery to the Mississippi Valley Presbytery. We look forward to enjoying a few days of fellowship with you before we officially join your church family sometime before May.

May the peace of Christ rule our hearts as He grants us His grace,

Rev. Kent Moorlach
Stephanie, Justus, Faith, and Xara