Outgoing moderator, Rev. Bob Gordon, gave an address on the famine of the Word from Amos 8:1-12 before introducing incoming moderator, Rev. David Vance. Rev. Ben Dowling was appointed vice- moderator.

Dr. Jim Meek gave an update on Erskine Seminary, including challenges and opportunities for the present and the future.
The vote on the proposed Revised Form of Government was 2 For, 18 Against, and 0 Abstentions.

Retiring Treasurer, Kathy Childs, was thanked for her two terms (6 years) of faithful and diligent service. Her accurate records and timely reports have been a blessing to the presbyteries. Mr. Bob Day was introduced as her replacement.

VA Presbytery voted to host a DiscipleMakers’ Equipping Conference in the Fall of 2015.