Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

The Mustard Seed Principles for The Impatient Pious and the sullen skeptics By: Michael A. Milton The Messiah sat in a boat for his humble pulpit. It must have moved gently on the water. He looked out across the beach at a growing congregation. And what he saw then is...
Making Nests In Its Branches

Making Nests In Its Branches

By Lee Shelnutt He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a...
The Good Soil “Hears”

The Good Soil “Hears”

By: Robert J. Cara, Ph.D. Hearing To become a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, the candidate must go through many “hoops.” One requirement is that Dr. Duncan (Chancellor) and I (Provost) interview the candidate for three hours covering a host of theological...
Don’t Despise the Day

Don’t Despise the Day

By: Rev. Lee Shelnutt, Moderator What major anniversary do we as Protestants, as Associate Reformed Presbyterians, celebrate this year? The 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, right? Imagine with me this scene. The year was 1521. Huge crowds greet...
Get Out of the Boat

Get Out of the Boat

Anyone who knows me well knows that I enjoy fishing. A general practice of mine is that I drive my old Chevy pickup anywhere I go – a meeting, an appointment, or an event. If I’m in my truck, I have access to my fishing gear, which means you may see me pull over...