News from the Pews

Equipped and Encouraged

By: Walker Kirkpatrick From the outside someone may look at the ARP’s middle and high school summer conferences, Quest and Horizon, as just summer camps. It’s easy to see them as just another camp intended to fill up students’ time and take away a week that would have...

Do You Like to Write?

Do you or someone in your youth group like to write? We would love to hear testimonies, life-changing events, trips, or anything that you would like to share. Contact me for more information!

Horizon & Quest

Hello everyone! Are you ready for Quest and Horizon 2025?!  Attached is the information packet where you will find our speakers and themes. Review the sheet in the attached packet that gives important dates between now and your arrival at Bonclarken. We hope you...

Quest & Horizon Info

ARP Churches and youth, after missing Quest and Horizon 2020, we are excited to open registration for the Summer 2021 Quest and Horizon Conferences at Bonclarken. Attached is the registration packet, and below are registration/information links to the CEM...

Filled Up On Truth

By Rev. Brian Howard, pastor of Adams Farm Community Church in Jamestown, NC Jesus stood before Pilate in the hours before his crucifixion and said, “I have come into the world–to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth listens...

The Business of Ministry

By: Roger Wiles, Executive Director of Central Services There is a business side to ministry in our day that did not exist a few generations ago. A couple of generations back churches did not have to worry about complying with such laws as the Affordable Care Act,...

Happy 107th Birthday

Mrs. Eva Maloney, member of Oak Ridge ARP Church in Heath Springs, SC, celebrates her 107th birthday today.  She was born to John William and Minnie Cox Brock near Honea Path, SC. While a freshman at Erskine College, she met James LeRoy Maloney, who taught at a nearby...

Synod Prep

Synod 2016 Prep Be sure to follow The ARP Magazine on all social media forms (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) for immediate updates during the General Synod meeting next week. There will also be evening updates on this site. #arpcsynod2016

A Note From the Moderator

We celebrate and give thanks for God’s rich bounty both this month and next. As a nation we enjoy freedoms laid on the foundation of great sacrifice by those who pioneered this land and this republic. As a church we enjoy liberty laid on the foundation of great...