Canadian Presbytery Highlights
- The Canadian Presbytery convened as a Court of the Church on Thursday, April 25, 2013. Trinity ARP Church (Chatham, ON) acted as the host congregation for these meetings.
- Rev. Kevin Carter (Covenanters ARP) moderated the meeting. Sixteen (16) presbyters were in attendance.
- Rev. John Shearouse led the presbytery in a theological discussion on “Conversion & Moral Responsibility.”
Rev. John Shearouse (Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church) was elected to serve as the moderator of the Canadian Presbytery for 2013/14. Ruling Elder David Alexander (Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church) will serve as the vice-moderator.
- A report was presented regarding the continuing work (and health) of Rev. Rudy de Vries and his work with Redemption Prison Ministries in the Canadian Prison System.
- At his request, Dr. Russ Kosits was removed as a Student of Theology of the Canadian Presbytery.
A report was given on the progression of the work in Kingston and the encouragement they have received. The presbytery committed to a 2-year period to actively seek a church planter.
- A report was given on the work to date of Faith ARP Mission in Tillsonburg, ON.
- The presbytery prepared a memorial to the General Synod that the book, The Gospel and Sexual Orientation, (a report of the 2011 Synod of the RPCNA), be commended to the Theological and Social Concerns Committee for consideration to be adopted as an ARP Synod position paper.
The fall meeting of the Canadian Presbytery will be held Sept. 26-27 at Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church, Halifax, NS.