Canadian Presbytery Summer Meeting Highlights

The Canadian Presbytery convened as a Court of the Church on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 during the General Synod of the ARPC at Bonclarken (Flat Rock, North Carolina). The Vice-moderator Rev. John Shearouse (Covenant Reformed Presbyterian) moderated the meeting. Ten (10)...

Canadian Presbytery Spring Meeting Highlights

The Canadian Presbytery convened as a Court of the Church on Thursday, April 26, 2012. Riv- erside ARP Church (Cambridge, ON) acted as the host congregation for these meetings. Kevin Bigney (Covenant Reformed Presby- terian) moderated the meeting. Seventeen (17)...

First Presbytery Spring Meeting Highlights

FIRST PRESBYTERY SPRING MEETING HIGHLIGHTS April 10, 2012 Received Rev. Rhett Carson from Second Presbytery pending transfer of credentials and approved his call as pastor of the Pinecrest Church, Flat Rock, NC. Received Rev. David M. Shin from Central Carolina...
In Memory of Mr. James Meek Dickson

In Memory of Mr. James Meek Dickson

January 3, 1923 – March 16, 2012 “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21). These words certainly came to mind on March 16, 2012,...
Rev. Gilbert Rowell: His Life’s Legacy

Rev. Gilbert Rowell: His Life’s Legacy

By Rev. Evan English On April 4, 2012, I was privileged and honored to help conduct the worship service in memory of our friend and fellow servant of the gospel, Rev. Gilbert Rowell. He was a man who ministered faithfully for 35 years in pastorates across three...

All That Jazz – A Night to Remember

By Delores McDonald The red carpet was rolled out for 13 at First ARP Church, Rock Hill (SC). As vans and cars arrived, guests were greeted and escorted into the church gym, which had been transformed into a dazzling ballroom filled with sparkling streamers and...