Gary Jones Installed

Gary Jones Installed

A service of installation was held Aug. 25, 2013 at Hernando (MS) Presbyterian Church for Rev. Gary Jones. Those assisting in the ceremony were: Standing, from left, John Tucker, pastor at Graceview Presbyterian (MS); Joey Donahue, pastor at Providence Reformed...
Derek Thomas Installed

Derek Thomas Installed

A service of installation for Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas was held Sept. 8, 2013, at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC. The special service was conducted by Catawba Presbytery. Guest minister, Rev. G. Mark Johnston, preached on “The Template of a Faithful Ministry.”...

Pray for Moderator Kingswood’s Son

Please pray for Moderator Jeff Kingswood’s son. As some of you already know our 15 year old son, Philip, was burned in a house fire yesterday.  He received 3rd degree burns when a fry pan of oil ignited and set the kitchen on fire.  Philip was injured trying to put...