What is a Presbytery?

What is a Presbytery?

Growing up in the ARP denomination or new to the ARP denomination, there are some things you may not know or understand really well. One question that is easy to explain, yet complicated as well is, “What is a Presbytery?” The Presbytery has the oversight of a group...


By: Rev. Eric Hancox “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:10). How should the church prepare for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ?  How should God’s people be preparing and helping one another to prepare to stand before our King?...
First Presbytery Is Multiplying

First Presbytery Is Multiplying

During the General Synod 2018 meeting, the following Memorial was approved with no discussion. This was done in peace and unity and not a matter of division but a matter of multiplying. FIRST PRESBYTERY MEMORIAL #2 (Establishment of a new Eastern NC Presbytery):...
A Unique Church Homecoming

A Unique Church Homecoming

By: Brian Garner, Landmark News Service You can image the pastor of the precursor to Union ARP Church in Richburg standing on the church steps, issuing a call to his neighbors. Along with two companies of Revolutionary War re-enactors, the members of the public were...
World Focus 2018

World Focus 2018

By: Jon Hyatt World Focus 2018 was a time of fellowship and education about the ARPC’s involvement in international missions. Immediately following the meeting of General Synod, World Focus allowed ARPs to meet, talk with, and learn from international missionaries...